Step Aside, Pops (Hark! A Vagrant) (5pts)

 Step Aside, Pops (Hark! A Vagrant) is the first time I have ever read any of Kate Beaton's works, and I really enjoyed it! The best way I can describe her stories is through her art style- simple, but utterly charming! I really love how she takes her love for history and literature and creates such charming and funny little stories. I feel like other history aficionados would get a hoot from her comics, as they are also filled with references of very specific historical trivia. I strongly appreciate that she also creates comics with pop culture, such a wonder woman, and basing comics on strange illustrations and book covers too, so everyone can get a good laugh in! Her sense of humor is very specific and on the nose, but I love that so much. She also has some commentary as well. Some of the segments star people of color, but she does not shy away from the racial injustices these people had to face during those times. She also has two fairly long segments dedicated to toxic feminism which is problematic and very bad, which she makes obvious with her depictions, compared to the normal people who disagree and just want normal lives. I am obsessed with her style, and I was trying to figure out a look for my victorian era comic that I'm working on, and especially with her depictions of victorian-era women will be an asset to my project, and how I will simplify Victorian fashion.

(251 words)


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